some thoughts on free will
Here are some thoughts on free will from one of my favorite YouTube authors, NonStampCollector. If you haven’t seen his videos, check them out. They are guaranteed to make you think. I welcome your...
View Articlewe were NOT founded as a christian nation: thoughts on article 11 of the u.s....
With Libya continuing to be in the news, I was reminded this morning of one of the earliest treaties the United States ever signed with another nation. (See complete list here.) It is the Treaty of...
View Articlerest in peace christopher hitchens
Rest in peace, Christopher Hitchens. Thank you for making us all think a little harder about what we know, what we believe, and the difference between the two. Thank you for your intellect, your wit,...
View Articlenonstampcollector’s latest: the ten commandments (as the supposed basis for...
My favorite YouTube author, nonstampcollector, has produced his latest film entitled, “The Ten Commandments: the basis of our laws and morals.” The movie raises the question of the relevance of the 10...
View ArticleNew Video from NonStampCollector: Biblical Slavery (It’s TOTALLY Different)
NonStampCollector (@nonstampNSC; YouTube; blog) has just released his latest provocative video. This time, he addresses the issue of biblical slavery. Definitely watch this video! It is a GREAT...
View ArticleNonStampCollector Comments on the Same-Sex Marriage Debate
NonStampCollector (@nonstampNSC; YouTube; blog) has just posted a short comment on attempts to use Christianity – and especially Christian appeals to biblical mythological accounts like the story of...
View ArticleViews on Evolution by Members of Different Religious Groups in the US
In 2008, the Pew Research Forum published the findings of a survey they did examining the percentage of the US population who agree that human evolution is the best explanation for the origins of human...
View ArticleOn Genesis 6:6-7 and Political Claims that God is “Pro-life”
Verse of the Day: Genesis 6:6-7: Gen. 6:6 And the LORD regretted that he had made humankind on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart. Gen. 6:7 So the LORD said, “I will blot out from the earth the...
View Articlethat awkward moment (surreal actually) when Christians dismiss the...
So it turns out that there has been a discussion online regarding my personal religious views (or lack thereof). Ironically, the subject made its way into the public realm when my friend, Dr. Jim West,...
View ArticleAn Observation on the God of the Bible and Slavery
Has anyone ever noticed that in the Bible, God slaughters thousands of Egyptian children in order to free his people from slavery (Exod 12:29-30), BUT then immediately instructs his people on how to...
View ArticleOn Ad Hominem Cries of “AGNOSTIC” and “ATHEIST” in Response to Scholarly...
Deflect. Deflect. Mock, then deflect again. Never address the issue, just deflect, attack the critic, and mock. This passes for “theology” and logic in some circles. In response to recent posts I’ve...
View ArticleReexamining the Claim that Atheists are Smarter than Theists
There is an interesting post by Tomas Rees at Epiphenom that examines the old claim that atheists are, on average, more intelligent than their religious counterparts. The post examines conclusions from...
View ArticleNew Pew Poll Shows Republicans, Evangelicals Least Likely to Accept Evolution
A new Pew research poll on the “Public’s Views on Human Evolution” was released presenting data that backs up what many political and religious scholars have suspected for some time: that white...
View ArticleSo much for the separation of church and state in Iowa
HOW IN THE NAME OF IOWA could Governor Branstad sign this? How is the even a part of the Governor’s duties? The governor of our great state of Iowa recently signed a proclamation calling on the people...
View ArticleProf. Robert Cargill on Iowa Public Radio to Discuss Issues of Separation of...
I’ve been invited to discuss matters pertaining to the separation of church and state on Iowa Public Radio‘s “River to River” with Ben Kieffer tomorrow, Monday, June 2, 2014, from noon to 1pm. We’ll...
View ArticleRobert Cargill discusses the Ten Commandments on “Talk of Iowa” Jan 22, 2015...
I shall be on Iowa Public Radio‘s “Talk of Iowa” today (Jan 22, 2015) at 10am (central) to discuss the Ten Commandments as literature, religious law, and political symbol with host Charity Nebbe. We...
View ArticleOn Political Correctness, its Abuse, and the Modern University
Legendary English comedian John Cleese recently recorded a video where he discusses the role of political correctness in society. (The YouTube version is here). I agree with John Cleese....
View ArticleDo we need religion to have a moral code?
Do we need religion to have a moral code? George Herbert Mead collegiate professor of anthropology at the University of Michigan, Dr. Webb Keane, and Dr. Robert Cargill, assistant professor of classics...
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